We focus on solutions.
The EarthTribe Foundation promotes independent media, green technologies, sustainability, social activism and cooperative culture. We are committed to finding relevant solutions to global problems and sharing them with everyone. Through the creation, production and distribution of original multi-media content, the EarthTribe Foundation seeks to shed light on technologies, products and simple lifestyle modifications which encourage individuals to work collectively toward a more sustainable way of living; we are demonstrating that another way is possible. Our most recent project, "Caravan" |
Currently in preproduction, our Documentary Television Series, TRIBE
Interested in being part of the solution?
It is the support of individuals and organizations like you that help us to continue our work. Get involved by making a tax-deductible donation to the EarthTribe Foundation. Even small donations of $10-$50 add up quickly and go a long way towards the production of new programming. Thank you for your continued support!
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