The Earth is Our Planet

We are all members of the tribe

The EarthTribe Foundation works dilligently to promote independent media, green technologies, sustainability, social activism, and cooperative culture.

The EarthTribe Foundation

:: Another way is possible ::

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There are problems in our world and there are solutions...
We focus on solutions.


A Reality Feature

Currently in Post Production

1,300 Gallons of Veggie Oil
25 People
7 Countries
2 Buses
1 Dream



A Cooperative Reality Television Series

Currently in Preproduction.



Sustainable Solutions Caravan

An ongoing project, sharing sustainable solutions for a peaceful future. Driving on veggie oil, and alternative fuel vehicles, the Sustainable Solutions Caravan is on the road to empower people with information.

The EarthTribe Foundation is one of the cooperatives that are a part of the growing Caravan.

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The EarthTribe Foundation is a project of SEE (Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.